Tuesday, December 11, 2007

comment for Generation Flash

(blogspot wouldn't, for some reason, let me post a comment on anyone's blog so I'm posting this here in response to http://kroe3.blogspot.com/ )

"Think sample verses the whole work. If we are indeed living in a remix culture does it still make sense to create whole works--if these works will be taken apart and turned into samples by others anyway?"

Yes, I think it is still important to create whole works, knowing that they maybe/will be taken apart and turned into samples by others anyway. This idea reminds me almost of a cross between our reading aobut subcultures and the Hacker Manifesto. Essentially,a whole work can be compared to natural or mainstream culture while a remix or bunch of samples can represent the subculture. Alhthough remixes and samples can be seen as a counter part or rebellion towards whole artworks, they can't exist without them. If there were no whole works,there would be nothing to remix. This also reminded me of the reading on hackers as it emphasized the art of taking parts of a whole, and separating them to make new piece.